
The core concept of our research is to propose absurd solutions to problems that don’t exist. This forces us to explore impractical ideas practically, which results in the creation of things that in all seriousness, shouldn’t exist.

The premise isn’t to formulate or incubate, but to take a set of ingredients, put them into a hostile ecosystem and observe what happens. An obvious primary outlet of this experimentation has been wearables.

Our facility contains a vast archive of footwear, architecture, industrial and experimental clothing, through mediums like 3D printing, sculpting, tapestry, carpentry and much more.

By inflating impractical ideas into illogical proportions, these experiments bridge the gap between reality and our vision. Our products, are the byproduct. Outbreak is less of a brand and more of a laboratory.

Our process and the current state of our research is embodying in our collection titled FE - Forced Exploration.

A reinterpretation of the human form via layering, fabric deception, interlining and contours using decade-old deadstock fabrics and garms that intertwine to propose exactly what we seek to find: absurd solutions to non-existent problems.